--- title: "Render the example reports" output: rmarkdown::html_vignette vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{Render the example reports} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} --- ```{r, include = FALSE} knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>" ) ``` **Before modifying anything** (data, report content, or style), render the example report with the anonymized built-in data to ensure your system is set up correctly. Open `01_producer-report.qmd`. Click the `Render` button to generate an HTML report or the `down arrow` (▼) to open a drop down menu to choose between HTML or MS Word. Try rendering the example report in both formats. If rendering to HTML, you can check the `Render on Save` option to automatically update the preview whenever you save the document. ![](../man/figures/render.png){width="80%" fig-alt="RStudio Quarto Render button with a dropdown for HTML and MS Word. Render on Save option is checked."} If the rendered report doesn't immediately open, you can find it in your project directory with the same name as the main Quarto `.qmd` file (`01_producer-report.qmd`). Newly rendered files can usually be found at the bottom of the files pane. ![](../man/figures/rendered_report_location.png){width="50%" fig-alt="RStudio screenshot of files pane with boxes around the project directory path, the template 01_producer-report.qmd file, and the rendered report 01_producer-report.html"} It should take no more than one minute to render a single example report.
Demo videos **HTML** **MS Word**
**See the [rendered example reports](https://wa-department-of-agriculture.github.io/soils/articles/examples.html).**